About Us

Michael Tucker

Tom Hewitson

Harri Gray
Michael Tucker has 38 years in the pest control industry and is MAF Qualified and Approved Handler Certified. Tom Hewitson and Harri are a certified Approved Handler Certified and is working on further accreditation. Michael, Tom and Harri have been Police checked for your security and peace of mind. FIFESHIRE PEST CONTROL has been providing effective and reliable pest control to Commercial, Industrial and Residential customers for over 30 years. We take pride in our precision and attention to detail.
We use the latest and best technologies and processes to ensure a pest free environment. Speaking about environment, all work carried out by FIFESHIRE PEST CONTROL is with due care and consideration for the environment. The health and safety of our clients, pets and property is taken into consideration on all work and appropriate MSD sheets and certification is left on all sites including a copy of current Public Liability Insurance.
All aspects of pest control is undertaken by FIFESHIRE PEST CONTROL.
Our vehicles are stocked with all the latest rodenticides, insecticides, fumigants and spray equipment to ensure a very thorough and effective result.
NOW SERVICING the Marlborough area, even those properties requiring boat access.

Our Services
Our specialist Pest Control Operation services Commercial, Industrial and Residential Customers in the following areas -Christchurch City, Rangiora, Banks Peninsula,Canterbury as far south as the McKenzie Country and as far west as Arthurs Pass. NOW servicing the Marlborough area including properties that require boat access. Keep your properties pest free while you are away.

Every rodents job is different so different methods of control are required whether it be by the use of the proper rodenticide, contact powder and gels or water baits. In some situations even trapping methods can be used with quality traps. We offer advice on how to stop rodent problems reoccuring and work with customers to improve their situation.
Fleas can be eradicated using various insecticides and growth regulators fit for purpose and in severe infestations fumigation can be useful. There is a number of useful tips we can offer our customers to stop further infestion of fleas and this advice is passed on and shown.
Wasps and Bees can cause serious Allergic and Amphlactic reactions in some people so when contacted we endeavour to remove or destroy the nest as soon as possible. Where there is a danger to Public Health and Safety we treat these jobs with the utmost urgency. Wasp nests are destroyed and removed when accessible. Honey bees are relocated when possible.
Cockroaches are not common in Christchurch but infestations can happen at any time due to different circumstances. Good Pest Control techniques and knowledge of our industry can soon alleviate the problem.
Spider webbing on your house and fences or buildings is unsightly and in most cases can be cleaned down and treated with the right insecticide for the surface to be treated.
White Tail Spiders can also cause serious harm to some people with bites taking several days to settle down and in some case medical attention can be required. The natural environment for these spiders is in our gardens, parks etc so can be relocated by weather or and other means to the interior of our homes and offices. There is a number of maintenance procedures around the home and office that can help alleviate these infestations.Tom or Mike will offer advice on how to help keep your home spider free while onsite carrying out the treatment.
Bed bugs are a lot more common than most people realize and as more people travel the world and New Zealand has record tourist numbers the chances of your home, hotel, motel being infested is a lot greater. Treatments for Bed bugs are specialized and should only be carried out by Technicians who have the necessay qualifications and experience to do so. Michael Tucker has been involved in training workshops in Australia with a leading Entamologist and has had to eradicate serious infestations of Bed bugs in Australia and Fiji Islands. If you think you have a problem contact us and we will work through the process to definitely identify and eradicate the problem.
Feral pigeons have now become a very major problem in Christchurch since the earthquakes with a lot of vacant and damaged buildings giving them perfect homes to live and multiply in. Unfortunately a lot of our new buildings are being built with ledges and louvres which is also adding to the problems. There are a lot of options open to the Pest Control industry and a lot of them dont work because the wrong system is installed.
House borers are only 3–4 millimetres long and were introduced from Europe. People with old wooden houses and furniture know them all too well. Female beetles lay eggs in cracks, crevices, end-grain timbers, or old borer holes. The larvae hatch and eat the timber for two to three years, making unsightly holes and tunnels. Adults bore exit holes in the wood in summer, and fly away. Little piles of dust near holes indicate an infestation. Borer can be killed by spraying insecticide into the holes. Free Quote and more information on borer infested timbers.
There are many misconceptions on what is best for ant eradication and a lot of product available to the public tends to make ant problems worse. We guarantee all our ant work and have many satisfied customers.